B&B Tea - Ulster Brew

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Enjoy the taste of home with our breakfast-style black tea.

We source our tea from Belfast's oldest tea makers S.D. Bell's. For four generations S.D. Bell's has been importing the world's finest teas to produce the highest quality blends. Passing on this knowledge from one generation to the next.

With their original Teahouse just across from our Ann St. store, we felt a historical connection that was too good to be ignored. Established back in 1887 we like to think that this tea is the official Ulster Brew. Enjoy the simple taste of home, a brew even your Gran would be proud of.

Our Ulster Brew Teabags are a full-flavoured, yet perfect as a smooth breakfast-style tea. Using the highest quality tea blends from Kenya.

For the taste of home, your water should be boiling & allow the teabag to infuse for 2-4 minutes per your own personal taste.

40 Breakfast Brew Teabags